lundi 16 juin 2008

You know you're a triathlete when...

Je n'ai pas fait de vélo comme je le devais car les nuages étaient assez noirs dans mon coin, et une chance car il a grêlé!!!

Je n'ai rien d'intelligent à écrire aujourd'hui alors je vous laisse avec la blague que Mizz Pitlipitli a envoyé aujourd'hui!

C'est tellement vrai en plus!!!
J'en ai coupé une partie...
Ce sont mes préférés!

- You know you are a triathlete when...

- Your first thought when you wake up is how high your rest HR is.

- You go for a run eventhough there's a thunderstorm and you enjoy being wet and dirty.

- You go for a 5 km cooldown run after a 5 km race just so that you can call it a training session.

- You consider work, regeneration time between training sessions.

- That something hard between your legs is usually a pull buoy

- You spend your 2 weeks annual vacation at a training camp.

- You take more showers in a locker room than at home

- You have everything needed in your car to be Swimming, Biking or Running with 5 minutes notice.

- When asked to mow the lawn in 90 degree heat, you say that its too hot to do that (and you mean it) and then an hour later you go on a century ride because its so nice out.

- When a co-worker asks if you are racing this weekend, you say "yeah, but I'm just running a 10k, so that is not REALLY a race".

- You have plenty of water bottles.

- You like going swimming the day after a race with the permenant penned number still visible on your legs and arms because the feel like a medal.

- You have trouble keeping lunch under 2000 calories.

- You have no trouble pushing a day's caloric intake to over 8000 calories.

- Instead of Marie Claire, People and Cosmo, you have piles of Runner's World in your bathroom.

- You wave at other cyclists, because all triathletes are friendly and if they are not, they are probably purist cyclists trying to get into triathlons and they do not know that triathletes are friendly.

- You are walking along a street and you signal left.

- You hear T2 and don't think of the film....

- You bring bottled water to a party so that you're properly hydrated for the next morning's long run, everyone else at the party also brought their own bottled water because you don't have a social life outside of triathlon. Oh yeah, and they all showed up by 7pm and left by 10pm.

- You wear your bathing suit under your work clothes to make a fast transition from work to swim on your lunch hour.

- Somebody hands you a cup of water and you have to restrain yourself from pouring it on your head.

- You feel like you took the day off because all you did was swim 3000 meters then go for a short run.

- You've given up trying to go on training runs/rides with your boyfriends because they don't take it too well when you kick their butt.

- When checking out guys on the street/at the mall your friends notice eyes, hair, build. You notice if they have shaved legs, if they have runners/bikers legs, and if they're wearing a race t-shirt

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

Bon, bon.. j'espère que t'as une vie à part de ça... sinon, une tite shotte de prozac pour souper :)

Véronique Meunier - Triathlon a dit...

Ray: that's my life!!! Ah oui, pis l'automne et l'hiver je prends un cours du soir.
J'aime mieux prendre mes vitamines 7Systems pour le souper :-)